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Come join us December 8-12 in experiencing life in Bethlehem at the time of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Begin your journey in the south exhibit building at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds in Afton, Wyoming where you will have the opportunity to taste some food, visit shop stalls, and even experience what it may have been like to hear Jewish Priests preach prophesies of the Savior contained in the writings of Isaiah at a Jewish Synagogue. You will hear music from the time period as well as possibly witness a recreation of a Jewish wedding ceremony. There will be a petting zoo for the children as well as an opportunity to take home some keepsake mementos of your visit to Bethlehem.​After your experience in Bethlehem, you will be directed to a live nativity scene in the north building where you will be able to quietly reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas.

There is no charge to attend this amazing event. We want everyone to come enjoy a visit to Bethlehem. In order to make sure there is room for everyone, we ask that you reserve a time to be part of this experience. Please plan on spending between a half an hour to an hour, depending on how long you would like to stay. Follow the link below to secure your place.


If you have a desire to help us, we need volunteers to be shop keepers, beggars, wedding party guests, Roman soldiers, and other extras to fill the streets of our Bethlehem. We also need people that are willing to help with setup and take down, we even need help with some set construction.

If you would like to volunteer please visit:


For more information, please contact

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